life + business transformation coach


Quantum Facilitator


renowned speaker


Are you ready to be ready?

You show up big in life yet are feeling the burn of overwhelm, the lack of clarity & balance, and perhaps have convinced yourself the grass isn’t necessarily green on either side of the fence. 

So you settle. 

Meanwhile your soul is screaming to take the leap. Sometimes it’s a gentle nudge, an intuitive insight that says, Step over here; there is another path. Other times it comes in the form of the proverbial 2x4 and forces you to shift. And that is when you find a new path. In fact, you may be called to blaze your own, unique trail — one that, of necessity, will take courage, tenacity, powerful intention, and will shatter your personal comfort zone.

Let me be your guide on this courageous, authentic journey. 

Are you ready to be ready? 



As a full-time working professional and mother to 4 young children, I realized I needed to make some powerful shifts in my life to achieve freedom, flexibility, and balance. I walked away from a career that I loved to step into my true life purpose. That role has required me to be a trailblazer, and now I am blessed to help others create their new reality, one that is not defined by society, limiting belief systems, or others’ expectations of them.

This journey continues to be a profound and explosive experience, and I seek to share the "how" with others! It is not only possible, it is what women are being CALLED to do RIGHT NOW. Together, we bring our diamonds out of the rough!

The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind. 

Dr. Wayne Dyer

more about me

Hey there
I'm natalie

welcome to your ascension

"Words do not do Natalie justice. She is coaching from another dimension. Her intuition is keen and sharp; she knows how to pull you out of your junk and into your light, confidence, and "lady" power. She’s also bold and not afraid to tell you what you need to hear. This is paramount when making a much-needed life transition. With her upbeat, bigger-than-life, yet down-to-earth, personality, Natalie is able to laser focus and pinpoint her coaching to exactly what you need. I almost want to call it magic. You’ll see what I mean! If you have the opportunity to work with her, do not hesitate. Whether your life needs a pick-me-up, a pivot, or a complete overhaul, Natalie is your lady! "


"Lost. Crumbling. Broken. STUCK. Looking for answers and feeling alone. Not knowing where to turn. And then a light at the end of the tunnel, a light that shines so bright, energy that radiates to your depths. That light is Natalie Clark. My work with Natalie began after I had reached my lowest of lows. I wanted to break free, to escape the haunting feelings that were weighing me down. But I simply didn’t know how. She showed me that I DO know how to turn my life around and to create the life I have been longing for. I now see the world in a different light!"

Business Consultant, Entrepreneur, mom of 2, graduate

"I have been in Natalie’s coaching program for 6 weeks and it has already been life-changing for me! I’ve specifically enjoyed all the energy work around limiting beliefs and patterns. With the releasing of stuck, blocked, and lower vibration areas that were holding me back for years, I’m now moving forward at an accelerated rate of growth. So very, very grateful for the lightness, joy, and peace. This program is all-encompassing in spiritual growth and expansion. This program has far exceeded my expectations! Take the leap and you’ll never look back!"

Jean L. | Wisconsin
Business Strategist for Entrepreneurs, 2nd year student

what clients are SAYING


Are you eager to expand beyond possibility?

Sign-up here for my sought after energy practice, my Flow and Glow Radiance Booster!  A short (and free!), energetic daily practice to boost your magnetism and inner brilliance. 

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I love to share inspirational and vibrational-shifting content on  my social platforms, so feel free to connect with me on the social channels! 

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