Several years ago I stood at a significant crossroads. Knowing drastic shifts were in store if I were to create the freedom, flexibility, clarity, and balance in life that my soul KNEW was possible. 

It just wasn’t happening working for others. There was little freedom or flexibility, and creativity had taken a hike a long time prior. Because, why bother? 

To create, we need freedom, flexibility, focus, and the ability to spread our wings. For visionaries, that often isn't found in most work environments. 

As a full-time working professional, wife, and mother to 4, I came to the stark awareness that freedom, flexibility, clarity, and balance were largely missing in the professional world. For me, the transition meant a massive leap through fear, doubt, and many internal objections to walk away from my breadwinner career that had once been ideal. 

I followed the divine nudge despite the inevitable pushback that floods in EVERY. TIME. WE. CHALLENGE. OUR. COMFORT. ZONE.

I left a BREADWINNER, professional salary & benefits without a backup plan

When our back is against the wall, THAT is when we make magic happen.

My business background and logical brain were giving me the freak out. And right then I was grateful for the right side of my brain that activated and said, "Defy that logic, step into the vision of what is possible, into a world of infinite possibilities."  

The message was, “You won’t get your vision until you walk away in faith.”

That sounded great when I read it in books and it was someone else who was following their inspiration. 

This shattering the comfort zone was the real deal. There was no Plan B and no back-up plan. I had to defy the business rules of engagement and do this Natalie’s way. 

And, quite frankly, time was of the essence. There was no business loan, no investor, just myself following my soul. I started $10K in the red as I invested in my own personal coach, guide, and mentor. That "red" was the launch pad. 

My soul said, “What you invest in will reap 10-fold.” So I invested in faith and trust with an expansion mindset.

There was no roadmap or solid idea of what I was seeking to create 

to walk on the way,
the way appears


as you 

Not all at once, but each day I showed up consistently and stepped more and more into my personal alignment. I chose to create from joy. And people, clients, supporters, experts, guides, and mentors appeared on the path. 

We don’t do this journey alone. 

When the student is ready, the teachers most definitely appear. The more I went inward, the more I leaned into my intuition, and the faster things fell into place. 

Call it a manifestation of divine synchronicities. 

I had a flashback to a decade earlier when I told a friend and colleague, "When our back is against the wall, THAT is when magic happens." 

It required every ounce of courage, tenacity, unwavering intention, and creativity within. 
And it was worth the leap off the cliff. 

And then, miraculous alignments began showing up 

I now guide other women in their quest to create new personal realities, defined by their unique gifts and aspirations, realities defying societal expectations, limiting belief systems, and others’ expectations. These women are expansion-oriented and living and coloring outside the box. We navigate this thrilling journey of expansion from a place of joy, ease, and flow. 

Allow the journey to be easier than you think when you co-create your life experience with others and the divine.

My personal expansion continues to be a profound, dynamic, and evolving experience, and I love to share the "how" with others! It is not only possible, it is what women are being CALLED to do RIGHT NOW. 

At heart, I am a learner. I continue to grow each day through the experiences I’m choosing and investing in. As I learn, I am reminded that it’s only a speck of the learning that is in store for those who choose it. 

And in a world of infinite possibilities, it can be no other way. Together, we bring our diamonds out of the rough! 

  • Founder and Creator of the Ignite Your Brilliance tools featuring unique and integrative approaches to energy healing based on her vast array of specialized training over the past 20 years
  • GHAP Holistic Life Coaching Certification (Levels 1 ,2, & 3) (breathwork and advanced holistic energetic methods)
  • Kundalini Energy Awakening Teacher (200-hour Yoga Alliance certified)
  • Certified Light Leader Coach℠/Light Leader Kundalini Teacher™ with Brianna Rose 
  • Clear Energy Therapist ® Level 3
  • Clear Energy Therapist ® Advanced Groups and Video 
  • Advanced PSYCH-K® & PER-K® Facilitator 
  • Certified Emotion Code ® Practitioner
  • Studies in: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Breathwork, Meditation, Food, Health & Nutrition, Chronic Disease & Health Promotion, Holistic & Integrative Health



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